Parts and accessories:
This system is available for a visit from a potential buyer for observation at the selling location in New Jersey.
Equipment location:
New Jersey
Additional information:
Mira Optima 900-P: Picosecond Ultrafast Laser System. Picosecond mode-locked Ti:S laser with a complete diagnostic and control package, a full range of accessories, and REES ultrafast spectrometer kit. // AND Verdi 5W Laser System: All-solid-state diode-pumped frequency doubled Nd:YVO4 laser, providing single-frequency cw green output at 532 nm at power level up to 5 watts. // Also includes water cooled heat sink assembly //// NOTE that photo shows the MIRA and VERDI systems, AND also the photo also shows OTHER PARTS: An optical table, a signal analyzer, a power meter, and various optics at the MIRA beam exit (a xyz stage, an objective lens, tubes, etc) NOTE THAT THESE OTHER PARTS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SALE.