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Vytek FX2 2436

Manufactured by:
Model number:
FX2 2436
Year manufactured:
New or Like New 
Asking price:
Price when new:
Hours of Use or Pulse Count:
310 houra
Included extras:
Parts and accessories:
INCLUDES: Auto focus // 35 Watt CO2 Universal Laser tube // Integrated Red Dot Pointer // Air Pump // Software: Raster Engraving Suite // 2.0" FL optic // Air Assist Nozzle // Optics Change Lens Assembly //
Equipment location:
SE Pennsylvania
Additional information:
This is a 2008 35 watt Laser engraver // purchased cost $35000 // it has a Universal laser tube in it and that will require a fresh tube charge to get it fully operational. // It is a 24" x 36 Laser engraver and it can handle w"ell over 500 lbs of stone on its lifting table // the machine is built to handle monument stones if you could get them in it. // I never did anything bigger then a full piece of 24" x 36" x 3" centimeter marble and it worked really well. // Has new optics // Does not include LaserWorx Vector (cutting) software // ~310 hrs on the machine total. // I have pictures of the reports.
Engraver Type:
System Input Power I:
120 VAC
Laser Manufacturer:
Universal Laser Systems
Laser Model Number:
ULS - 35
Laser Rated Power (watts):
35 watts
Laser Cooling:
Engraving field size:
24" x 36"
Engraving Software:
Laser Actual Power (watts):
Item Number:
Primary photo
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